Styling tools are our hair saviours when we need to create a salon-quality finish at home. From bouncy blow-dries, to sleek silky strands, to defined or loose curls – they give us the ability to transform our look for whatever the occasion. However frequent use of our much-loved tools, especially without adequate prep and protection, can lead to heat damaged hair.  

The good news is that there are things you can do to protect your hair and rehydrate it, to eventually restore tired strands back to health – and we’re here to help you. Keep reading to discover the key signs of heat damaged hair and how to treat it.



Have you noticed how vibrant and healthy your skin looks after you apply your skincare? Well, just like your skin, your hair also needs adequate hydration to remain healthy, otherwise it can look dull and become dry and brittle. It’s important to address the early signs of dehydrated hair as soon as possible before it leads to further damage. If you’re unsure whether your hair is in desperate need of hydration, here are some key signs to look out for:  


1. It looks dull and feels dry and brittle  

One of the most noticeable signs of dehydrated hair is a dry, brittle texture and dull appearance. Nourished hair will feel soft to touch and will have a natural shine, however if it feels rough, then this is a clear indication that it needs more moisture. Dry hair is more prone to split ends and breakage, which makes it very difficult to maintain a healthy finish.  


2. The frizz is frizzing

    If your hair is sticking out in different directions and you can’t seem to tame those pesky flyaways – no matter what you do – then you’re likely dealing with frizz. Frizz is a very common symptom of dehydrated hair and can be hard to manage. It typically happens when hair lacks moisture and can be much worse in humid environments. This is because dry hair will try to absorb the moisture from the air, which only leads to frizz and flyaways. Not the look you want on your sunny getaway! 


    3. Hair gets tangled easily and has less elasticity 

      Due to dry hair feeling rough and brittle, it can become easily tangled, making it difficult to manage and more likely to cause further damage if your comb or brush is getting caught in your strands. Elasticity is a key feature of healthy hair; well-hydrated hair can stretch and return to its original shape without breaking, whereas dehydrated hair loses its elasticity and is more likely to break. A simple test to check for dehydration is to gently stretch a strand of hair; if it breaks easily, it is likely dehydrated. 




      1. Shield your strands with a heat protectant  

      Protecting your hair from heat damage is crucial for maintaining its health and vitality. Using a heat protectant before styling with hot tools forms a protective barrier, reducing the risk of breakage, split ends, and overall damage. Not only does it shield your strands from high temperatures, but it also helps retain moisture, keeping your hair looking and feeling its best. It’s a simple step that can significantly improve the long-term health of your hair.  

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      2. Trim your split ends  

      Split ends can commonly be caused by excessive use of heated tools, and the best way to treat them is to trim off any heat damaged strands. How much you will need trimming off will depend on the level of damage. So long as the damaged hasn’t travelled too far up the hair shaft, a technique called ‘dusting’ can be applied. This technique is to remove any hairs which are damaged or stick out and is the perfect option if you’re keen on preserving the length of your hair. If your hair is severely damaged, more may need to be taken off, however don’t be too concerned about this. Removing any damage now will allow your hair to grow back much healthier.   


      3. Invest in products that will nourish and repair 

      Now that you've trimmed those untidy ends, it's the perfect time to upgrade your hair care routine. What you need is a curated product lineup that not only repairs your hair but also prevents future damage. By choosing skincare-inspired formulas, you can treat your fragile strands with the same nourishment you give your delicate skin. Look for products that are deeply hydrating and restorative, featuring powerful ingredients that deliver quick and noticeable results. 

      Leave-in conditioners and serums can provide ongoing hydration and protection throughout the day. Apply a leave-in conditioner to damp hair after washing, focusing on the ends and any particularly dry areas. You could also apply a weekly nourishing hair mask as these are more intense than your usual conditioner. For an added boost, you can wrap your hair in a silk scarf and leave it in overnight. This will allow the mask to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft, supplying it with nourishment and protein it needs to repair. 


      4. Be gentle when you’re washing, drying, and styling  

      When your hair is damaged, it's very important to be extra gentle during washing, drying, and styling. When applying shampoo and conditioner, take the time to smoothly work the products through your hair and be careful not to tug or rub vigorously. Be especially careful during washing and drying as hair is at its weakest when wet. Avoid tugging or rubbing, as this can increase friction and make tangles and frizz worse.  

      Pay particular attention to the mid-lengths and ends of your hair, as these areas often suffer the most from heat damage, unlike the newer, healthier roots. Be very gentle when detangling and don’t drag your brush or comb from the roots to the ends. Instead, work on small sections at a time and gently work from the ends of your hair up to the roots. This will allow you to tease out knots and minimise damage.  

      5. Repair your hair with an in-salon treatment  

      Sometimes, professional help is needed. Severely damaged hair may need some extra TLC, which is where an in-salon professional hair treatment can help. Although there are many amazing options available to use at home, a bespoke treatment can provide long-lasting results as they utilise professional-grade products developed by industry experts to target a range of hair and scalp concerns. Your stylist can access your hair and recommend the perfect treatment for your hair type and specific needs. Whether it’s frizz, dryness, breakage, dandruff, or any other issue you’re struggling with, our stylists can provide the best option for you to improve the health of your hair and scalp.


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