Dandruff: What is it and Ways to Treat it

Dandruff is caused by the fungus Malassezia, a yeast that lives on the scalp naturally and is part of the natural balanced scalp Microbiome.

When the scalp Microbiome becomes imbalanced the Malassezia yeast becomes overactive as it feeds on the natural oils found on the scalp.  

The scalp forms 7% of our total skin and has 180,000 sebaceous, (oil) glands on it, these glands produce sebum the natural oil that protects our skin all over the body, and on the scalp and flows along the hair shaft as the most effective natural hair conditioner.

There are many different causative factors in the yeast becoming overactive, some of the common ones are:

•    Stress can reduce the ability of the immune system to manage the yeast.
•    Processed Foods causing an increase of the hormone insulin can increase oil production.
•    Illness, an increase in temperature and inflammation can also cause a reaction from the scalp leading to Dandruff.
•    Autumn and Winter can cause scalp problems to become more noticeable due to the damp cold outside conditions and dry warm inside conditions, the scalp does not manage these temperature changes well.


If you have suffered with Dandruff for a long time, no doubt you will have tried many different shampoos, effective ingredients are usually named as:

•    Ketoconazole, this is an anti-fungal that is effective in treating the overgrowth of the Malassezia yeast, however it is harsh on both the hair and scalp and can cause the hair to become dehydrated and the scalp tight.
•    Ginger has a natural anti-inflammatory antiseptic and antifungal effect and can sooth itching.
•    Tea-Tree is antifungal and antimicrobial and works to reduce the yeast bacteria and scalp inflammation.

Why is the Juniper Therapy Treatment shampoo different?

The Juniper Therapy shampoo combines a unique blend of the most active and effective ingredients that will clear dandruff and manage your scalp microbiome most effectively.

Crucially, Juniper Therapy clears scale and flakes, soothes the scalp and balances the action of the yeast to stop the problem from recurring.  This shampoo will not dehydrate the hair or the scalp and can be safely used daily to manage and clear the problem of Dandruff. 

Dandruff can be embarrassing but is an extremely common condition affecting some 50% of the population in their lifetime.  Age is no barrier to who can be affected, from Cradle Cap in Babies to problem skin and scalps at puberty and beyond Dandruff can and will strike.

Using the Juniper Therapy scalp treatment shampoo will keep your scalp Microbiome balanced and your scalp and hair flake free, looking and feeling fantastic.

Juniper Therapy Treatment shampoo is suitable for adults and children over the age of 12.

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